Abdominoplasty or tummy tuck surgery can flatten your abdomen by removing all the loose skin and also tightening the muscles of the abdominal wall. This wonderful procedure also removes all the stretch marks in your lower abdomen. This procedure is extremely popular among women who are unable to get rid of their post-pregnancy weight or who have undergone massive weight loss and are unable to get rid of the loose skin.
Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) & Mini Tuck (Mini Abdominoplasty)
The tummy tuck is a common procedure that is used to correct this condition. This procedure involves the removal of the hanging flaps and the eradication of excess fat. A rejuvenated abdomen is what you get after the abdominal muscles are tightened. A well-toned and flat abdomen is much attainable after this procedure.
Excess fat accumulation in the abdominal area can make your belly bulge out. Normal activities like bending down become very difficult. At the same time, it is very embarrassing for the individual. The individual is unable to wear normal-sized clothes. All of these contribute to lowering your self-esteem. In most cases, people witness this condition in themselves as a flab of tissue hanging from the abdominal area. This condition is commonly seen in post-pregnant females.

- A tummy tuck helps to get a perfect abdomen and improves self-esteem among people dealing with loose skin.
- You can either get a full tummy tuck or a mini tummy tuck.
- A mini tummy tuck focuses on the lower abdomen whereas a full tummy tuck focuses on the entire abdominal area.
- The results of the tummy tuck procedure are long-lasting if you maintain an ideal weight.
- Pregnancy is completely safe after a tummy tuck.
- It is not a weight-loss procedure; it is more like a contouring procedure.
- A tummy tuck is not just for women, it is for men too.
Abdominoplasty is major surgery; hence it is very important to choose an experienced surgeon for this procedure. Dr. Amit Gupta is the best option if you are planning to get tummy tuck surgery in Delhi (India).
Who is a good candidate for a tummy tuck?
There is a time when you start noticing that all the exercise and a healthy lifestyle is lowering your weight but not changing the appearance of your protruding and sagging abdomen. You become a good candidate for a tummy tuck if:
- Aging, heredity, weight loss, and pregnancy have left extra skin on your abdomen and you suffer from abdominal weakness.
- If you are not a smoker. Smoking slows down the healing process after the surgery and also increases the complications during it. Therefore, if you are a smoker and are planning to get a tummy tuck, you have to quit smoking six weeks before the procedure.
- You have a stable weight. Lean people with loose skin in the lower abdomen are the perfect candidates for this procedure. If you are obese, then this procedure is not appropriate for you.
- You are physically healthy and can tolerate this procedure.
- There are no scars from any previous surgery as they may affect your candidacy.
- You have a positive attitude and genuine expectations.
- Women who had several pregnancies may find it a useful procedure as it helps to tighten the abdominal muscles.
Who should not opt for Tummy Tuck?
You are not a good candidate for a tummy tuck if:
- You are planning to get pregnant. If you are planning to get pregnant, you have to postpone your tummy tuck procedure as it involves tightening of muscles, and pregnancy can separate those muscles.
- You think that the procedure will aid in your weight loss, as it is not a procedure to reduce weight. It only helps to tighten the sagging skin from your abdominal region.
- You have an unmanageable health condition like diabetes or high blood pressure. You have to hold on to your surgery till your health becomes stable.
- You don’t have enough time for recovery. You have to take a minimum of two weeks off from your work if you want to recover after the procedure.
Benefits of Tummy Tuck Procedure
The following are the advantages of the tummy tuck procedure:
- The surgery helps people restore a flat stomach, especially those who have tried every diet and lifestyle but are unable to get rid of the loose skin.
- The procedure will make you look good in clothes and most importantly, you will look fabulous in swimwear.
- You will end up getting a very youthful body.
Downsides of Tummy Tuck Procedure
- The women who get a tummy tuck procedure will get a scar in the bikini area.
- Getting pregnant after a tummy tuck procedure can influence the results, so it is best to postpone the surgery if you are planning to get pregnant or plan the surgery when you do not want to get pregnant that is you are finished having children.
- You have to maintain weight post-surgery as weight gain may negatively influence the surgery results.
Tummy Tuck Procedure Types
- Full Tummy Tuck: A full tummy tuck helps to improve the appearance of both the upper and lower abdomen. People who are in relatively good health, but have loose skin and weak abdominal muscles around their midsection can consider getting a full tummy tuck. It helps to flatten and contour the area above and below the belly button. It is also medically known as Full Abdominoplasty.
A full tummy tuck procedure includes
- Making a small incision, which is not visible externally, gives patients an innie belly button.
- Giving a low waistline incision, which is designed in such a way that it can be easily hidden by underwear.
- Removing the loose and unnecessary skin
- After it, the surgeon tightens the abdominal muscles.
Similar to every other surgery, the recovery time of a full tummy tuck procedure depends on the fitness level of an individual, his age, and above all general health. The downtime of this procedure is usually a week, most patients can resume their daily activities after 3 weeks and will be able to fully exercise after 6 weeks.
- Mini Tummy Tuck: Unlike a full tummy tuck, a mini tummy tuck is performed only on the lower abdomen which is the area below the belly button. A mini Tummy tuck is best for patients who are concerned about the pooch, loose skin, or stretch marks below their belly button and want to get rid of them. Mini Tummy Tuck procedure is best for patients who are close to their ideal weight but want to get rid of the unnecessary fat between the pubic and naval area. It is recommended for people who have a perfect body weight but are unable to get rid of stubborn fat despite many rigorous exercises and lifestyle changes.
A mini tummy tuck procedure includes
- Making a small horizontal incision between the hipbones
- Removal of excess skin
- Tightening of muscles
In a mini tummy tuck procedure, the belly button of the patient is not repositioned, as the surgeon does not address any excess skin or fat present above the belly button. Since the Mini Tummy Tuck procedure is less extensive than a Full Tummy Tuck Procedure, patients usually heal in 2 weeks. However, it is advised to avoid any strenuous activity for at least 6 weeks.
- Extended Tummy Tuck: It is a procedure similar to Full Tummy Tuck, however, it also includes improving a patient’s flanks. It is a very effective procedure for people who have lost a large amount of weight and are looking for ways to refine the contours of their bodies. Therefore, a person who has excess skin hanging from both the lower and upper abdomen along with the flanks is the perfect candidate for an extended tummy tuck. The process involves a longer incision as compared to a full tummy tuck, but the scar can be easily hidden by underwear or any swimsuit. The recovery time is also similar to a full tummy tuck, but the car may take a long to heal.
- Tummy Tuck with liposuction: Would you like to have a flatter and more toned abdomen? When you have tried all the options, but are unable to achieve any results, the option of getting surgery is the best. For such situations, a tummy tuck is the best procedure. However, it is not the best option if you want the removal of excess fat. If you want the removal of excess fat without removing extra skin, then getting liposuction alone is a great option. This option works best for people who have good laxity skin, as the skin shrinks after the fat removal.
This is where lipoabdominoplasty comes in. It is a cosmetic procedure that combines both liposuction and tummy tuck. For individuals who have excess skin and unwanted fat in the abdominal area, it is the perfect procedure to achieve a perfect waistline.
Tummy tuck also called abdominoplasty, is used to remove excess skin from the stomach which makes the stomach look flat. Many women who gain a lot of weight due to certain reasons like pregnancy suffer from weakened abdominal muscles and loose skin around the stomach. For such conditions, a tummy tuck is a very effective procedure as it reduces the loose skin around the stomach and also helps tighten the underlying muscles. Although the procedure makes the waist look thinner, when it is combined with liposuction, it gives perfect results.
- Endoscopic Tummy Tuck Surgery: It is a less invasive form of abdominoplasty. Its recovery period is shorter as compared to other tummy tuck procedures. There is less scarring, swelling, and bruising in this procedure.
- During this procedure, several small incisions are made and the whole surgery is performed via long and thin instruments.
- In this surgery, the surgeon will tighten the abdominal muscles by removing the excess fat, but it will not remove any excess skin. It is best suited for people who have bulging bellies.
Tummy Tuck procedure
A tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that removes loose abdominal skin and tightens the abdominal muscles with sutures. The procedure is performed as follows:
- Firstly, the surgeon will mark the area on your abdomen to indicate the location of the incision, and also the location where the naval has to be repositioned.
- Secondly, after doing proper markings, a local anesthetic is injected into the patient.
- The primary tummy tuck incision is made above the pubic area from one hip bone to the other. In case you are getting a full tummy tuck, another incision is made around the navel and in the case of a mini tummy tuck, the incision made is comparatively smaller.
- The surgeon will then loosen up the skin from the abdominal wall to your ribcage, and then place sutures in the fascia of the abdominal muscles and then pull them into a tighter position. This part is known as the muscle repair part of the tummy tuck surgery.
- After the suture, the surgeon will perform liposuction, i.e., removal of excess fat. The abdominal skin is then stretched down to the incision and the excess skin is removed.
- Next, the surgeon will mark the placement of the navel. Although the skin around the navel is moved, the navel stays in the same place. The surgeon will then cut the hole through the redraped skin, and then suture it around the navel.
- The surgeon will use glue or staples to close the incisions.
- In a full tummy tuck, the surgeon will insert drains to prevent any kind of fluid buildup, which can lead to pressure on the incision. The drain is a clear plastic tube, that is placed through a small incision below the main incision.
Preparing for a tummy tuck surgery
There are certain things to consider while preparing for tummy tuck surgery. Before preparing for an abdominoplasty:
- You have to quit smoking at any cost as smoking hinders the process of healing.
- Avoid taking anti-inflammatory medicine before the tummy tuck procedure as it can increase the bleeding during the surgery.
- Regardless of the type of tummy tuck procedure performed, hydration is very necessary before and after surgery.
- If your doctor suggests you undergo lifestyle changes, then do your best to receive the best results after the surgery.
Preparing your home before tummy tuck surgery
- After the procedure, your surgeon will advise you to have complete rest. Therefore, if you have children at home, arrange for them to be cared for.
- Place everything like your books, toiletries, or anything you need at the hip level so that you do not have to bend again and again.
- Arrange all your medications beforehand so that you don’t have to face any problems after the surgery.
Place a digital thermometer near your bed, so that you can take the temperature whenever required.
What to expect on the day of tummy tuck surgery?
The tummy tuck surgery is performed in a hospital where:
- The doctor will inject local anesthesia to keep you comfortable during the surgery. The anesthesia will be given by an anesthesiologist or nurse anesthetist.
- Various monitors are used in the surgery room to keep a close check on the blood pressure, pulse, and heart rate.
- The plastic surgeon will perform the surgery according to the plan discussed with you before. However, he or she may make slight alterations in the plan to give the best possible results.
- The surgical dressing will also depend on the type of surgery performed. Surgical drains can also be used.
- After surgery, the patient is taken to the recovery area and is kept under close observation.
- The patient can either be released on the same day of surgery or 1-2 days after the surgery. It completely depends on your recovery time and also when the surgeon is sure that there are no further complications.
Tummy Tuck Aftercare and Recovery
Immediately after a tummy tuck procedure, you can expect the following things:
- With time, as the anesthesia wears off, a person may experience dizziness or nausea. However, these sensations go away in few hours. But these symptoms may return due to pain medications prescribed by the doctor post-surgery.
- Depending on the procedure, you can either be released on the same day or the doctor will keep you 2 days in the hospital under strict observation.
- Immediately after the abdominoplasty or tummy tuck procedure, your abdomen will be sore or tender. Any type of pain can be countered by pain medication.
- The incision site will be covered properly with dressing to keep the area clean and protected. You will also be given a wide elastic compression to reduce the extent of selling. It also provides support to the skin so that it tightens properly.
- You can also have tubes in your incision, that will help the fluids drain away. Drains are removed from 3 to 14 days depending on how much fluid comes out.
- If the doctor gives you traditional sutures, then they will be removed in a day or two. Absorbable sutures don’t need removal.
- There will be certain side effects after the tummy tuck procedure, like swelling, redness, and bruising. However, there is nothing to worry about as these side effects subside in two or three weeks.
Recovery time after a tummy tuck procedure
- It takes at least 6 months to recover completely after abdominoplasty.
- In the initial days after the surgery, managing pain and any kind of complications is the topmost priority of a surgeon.
- The first week is comparatively painful, but in the second and third weeks, you will automatically notice that your body will start recovering. Regaining mobility and fitness is very important in these weeks.
- It takes time to recover from the procedure and the recovery rate varies from individual to individual.
Tips for recovery
A tummy tuck is an intensive procedure, therefore it is important to follow these recovery tips to ensure optimal results.
- Eat a healthy and balanced diet
- Start walking slowly after the surgery as walking is necessary for blood circulation and also greatly supports the recovery process
- Sleep in an elevated position to reduce any kind of stress on the abdominal area. Use large pillows to ensure the same
- Wear compression garments for skin tightening. You can also use a girdle or a binder to increase the healing process while sleeping.
- Drink plenty of fluids. It will help the body flush out the toxins and also reduce any potential complications.
Precautions after a tummy tuck procedure
- Do not take aspirin or any other anti-inflammatory medicine after the procedure. do not smoke or take alcohol.
- The first two days after the surgery are very painful, therefore take your pain medications on time and follow your surgeons’ instructions religiously.
- The swelling will go away in a few days, remember to stay in touch with your doctor.
- Call your surgeon immediately if you notice any kind of swelling, redness, or pain in the abdominal area.
- Avoid strenuous exercise for 4 to 5 weeks as it can lead to fluid retention.
- If your job is physically demanding. Take two weeks off from your work.
- It is better to shift onto your natural routine gradually rather than doing it all at once.
- The recovery period of the patients with full abdominoplasty is larger than that of patients with mini-abdominoplasty or lipo abdominoplasty.
- Wear your compression garment as it prevents losing or sagging skin after abdominoplasty.
The durability of the tummy tuck procedure
- Barring significant weight gain or another pregnancy, the results of a tummy tuck procedure are permanent.
- The tightened skin can get loose with age, but not much.
- If you gain and then lose weight after a tummy tuck procedure, the skin can stretch out again.
- If you get pregnant after a tummy tuck procedure, your abdomen can loosen again. Therefore, if you are planning to get pregnant, delay your abdominoplasty.
Risks associated with Tummy Tuck
There are certain risks associated with the tummy tuck procedure. These are:
- Fluid Accumulation: There are chances of fluid accumulation after the surgery which is reduced via drainage tubes. It reduces the chances of fluid accumulation.
- Poor Wound healing: Sometimes, the areas along the incision line fail to heal properly. Surgeons prescribe antibiotics for these which should be taken religiously.
- Scarring: It should be noted that the incision scar from a tummy tuck procedure is permanent, but since it is below the bikini line, it gets hidden easily.
- Tissue damage: During a tummy tuck procedure, the fatty tissue deep under the skin can get damaged. Therefore, it is advised to quit smoking before getting this surgery.
Tummy tuck cost in India
India is one of the most preferred destinations for a tummy tuck procedure. It is perfect for people who are looking for a low-cost tummy tuck procedure. The tummy tuck cost in India is 30-40% less than in other countries. The cost can vary depending on the type of procedure and the expertise of the surgeon. There are highly qualified and experienced plastic surgeons in India, who understand the needs of clients. The tummy tuck surgery cost in India depends on the following factors:
- Hospital: The cost of surgery depends on the type of hospital chosen by the patient. The cost is relatively high in well-acclaimed hospitals.
- Type of Surgery: The cost also depends on the technique used for the surgery. Different techniques need different tools, machinery, and expertise. Therefore, the cost may vary depending on the type of surgery.
- Target area: Tummy Tuck cost also depends on the complexity of the procedure. The higher the complexity, the more is the price.
- Equipment: If the surgery involves the use of high-end equipment and the latest technology, then its cost will be high automatically.
- Doctor’s fee: The cost of a tummy tuck procedure mainly depends on the doctor’s expertise. Highly experienced and renowned doctors charge more, but it guarantees amazing results and there is very little room for mistakes.
It also depends on several other factors like :
- Post-surgery garments
- Type of Surgery Performed
- The general health of the patient
- Extent of surgery
- Goal of surgery
- Amount of fat to be removed
- Follow-ups
Cost of tummy tuck surgery in Delhi
The minimum cost of tummy tuck surgery in Delhi starts from INR 200000. The average cost of the procedure at the best tummy tuck surgeon in Delhi is about INR 200000 and the maximum cost of this procedure can be 3.5 Lakhs.
The tummy tuck prices in Delhi depend on the following factors:
- Admission fees
- Doctors fees
- Age of patient
- Amount of fat to be removed
- Post-surgery complications
- Type of hospital
- The medical condition of the patient
- Examination tests like X-ray
- Expertise of doctor
If you are considering a tummy tuck procedure in Delhi or Gurgaon, the first and foremost step is to book an appointment with an expert cosmetic surgeon in Delhi. Consultation with Dr. Amit Gupta will help you know if you are an ideal candidate for a tummy tuck procedure or not. It involves checking the medical history of the patient, completing a physical examination, and deciding what results have to be achieved. You can also talk about the recovery period and the risks associated with the surgery. He is the best and most trusted cosmetic surgeon in Delhi when it comes to tummy tuck procedures. His services are available at client-friendly costs and the after results are amazing. He is the best tummy tuck surgeon in India, and his work speaks volumes about his dedication. His level of expertise is unmatchable.
Tummy Tuck before and after

Frequently asked questions
How long to wear a bandage after a tummy tuck?
After a tummy tuck procedure, the abdomen is bandaged and you will be given a compression garment to keep your skin tight. Bandages should be changed every day after cleaning the area of the incision and it is advised to wear compression garments 24 hours for at least 4 weeks.
Can I have a tummy tuck after C-section?
Tummy tucks after C-section are completely safe. However, it is recommended to wait a bit more after the C-section to get effective results of the surgery. It is recommended to wait for 6-12 months after C-section, to make sure that you have healed properly from that surgery. Also, wait until your weight is stabilized and the weight gain after the surgery can negatively affect the results of a tummy tuck.
How long does a tummy tuck take?
In general, surgeons perform two types of the tummy tuck, a mini tummy tuck, and a complete tummy tuck.
A partial tummy tuck involves making a small incision at the bottom of the stomach and typically takes 1-2 hours to complete. On the other hand, full abdominoplasty involves making a large incision that runs from one hip to another. It takes two to five hours to complete. The time taken to complete the surgery also depends upon the surgeon’s skill, the size of the patient, and the type of surgery.
How many sizes do you lose with a tummy tuck?
Many people think that tummy tuck is a weight loss cosmetic surgery, but it does not help you lose weight. After a tummy tuck procedure is performed only when a person is at his ideal weight to avoid future surgery. Full tummy tucks help patients to lose clothing sizes and inches in their mid-section. Weight loss is not more than a few pounds in this procedure. An average woman loses about two to three dress sizes after this procedure while men can also expect to drop several pant sizes. If you are planning to get a tummy tuck procedure, do it if you are in your ideal weight as further weight loss can cause loose skin for removal of which surgery is required again.
How much does the average tummy tucks cost?
The tummy tuck surgery cost in India is comparatively low as compared to other countries. India is famous for high-quality cosmetic surgeries that too at affordable rates. The cost of a tummy tuck procedure in India depends on the following factors:
- Hospital
- The skill of the surgeon
- Doctors’ fees
- Medicines
- Diagnostic tests and processes
- Post-surgery garments
- Type of surgery performed
- The general health of the patient
- Extent of surgery
- Goal of surgery
- Amount of fat to be removed
- Follow-ups
To a great surprise, the average cost of a tummy tuck procedure in India ranges from INR 2 to 3.5 Lakhs
How painful is tummy tuck recovery?
Most of the intense pain will be after a few days of the surgery, however, this pain is countered easily by pain medications that your surgeon will prescribe. The medicines should be taken religiously and you may experience swelling for at least three months after the surgery.
Your abdomen area will feel sore after the surgery and you may also have fluid-filled swelling, but that will go away in a few days. Your scar may be red initially, bet it will fade too.
There are many things to consider when it comes to recovery after a tummy tuck procedure, but all of it is attainable and manageable. The healing process is slow, so focus on getting better each day to attain full recovery.
How to reduce swelling after a tummy tuck?
Swelling is common after a tummy tuck procedure. Pain and discomfort in the abdominal area are common, therefore it is important to follow your surgeon’s instructions properly.
Some steps to reduce swelling are:
- Use anti-inflammatory medicines
- compression garment
- Exercise
- Eat healthy food
- Keep all tummy tuck follow up appointments with your doctor
- Stay mobile
Is tummy tuck safe?
Like all other surgeries, tummy tuck also has certain risks. It includes bleeding, infection, numbness, and complications with anesthesia. In general, it is a safe procedure. It is always recommended to talk about potential risks with your surgeon before going for the procedure.
What happens when you gain weight after a tummy tuck?
After the tummy tuck procedure, patients are generally concerned about weight gain. If you gain weight after the surgery or become pregnant, the abdominal skin will stretch out due to which underlying muscles will separate again. Therefore, make exercise an important part of your daily routine after the procedure.
What is tummy tuck revision?
A tummy tuck revision involves correction and improvement in the appearance of the abdomen. It is performed to overcome the unwanted side effects and complications from previous tummy tuck procedures. If you are unhappy with the results of your tummy tuck procedure, you can have a tummy tuck revision to get a flatter and more attractive stomach. Possible complications that lead to tummy tuck revision are:
- Excess fat
- Poor quality scar
- A scar located too high
- Unattractive belly button
When is tummy tuck necessary
A tummy tuck becomes necessary when:
- You have loose abdominal muscles and exercise and a healthy lifestyle are unable to solve this problem.
- Anyone who has excess skin or fat on the abdominal area should get a tummy tuck to improve the overall appearance.
- If you are still wearing maternity clothes after pregnancy.
- You have significant stretch marks and you want to get rid of them
- You suffer from decreased body confidence
Is tummy tuck worth it?
Seeing the durability and effectiveness of the surgery, the procedure is worth it for people who are unable to get rid of their loose and saggy skin around the abdomen area.
What to do before tummy tuck surgery
There are certain things to do before a tummy tuck surgery:
- Maintain your ideal weight
- Get a medical evaluation to rule out any underlying disease
- Stop smoking and taking alcohol
- Avoid aspirin and other anti-inflammatory drugs
Can I sleep with a tummy tuck belt on?
It is not recommended to wear a tummy tuck belt while sleeping as:
- It can cause acid reflux and can affect digestion
- It can deprive the body of oxygen
- It can cause physical discomfort
Does the tummy tuck belt work?
Tummy tuck belts work superficially and have a temporary effect. When you wear anything thick on your waist, it is natural to sweat. This will reduce water weight but it will return as soon as you rehydrate. There is no scientific validity for a tummy tuck belt to work.
How much skin can be removed in a tummy tuck?
There is generally no limit to the removal of skin in tummy tuck, unlike liposuction in which safe limits are prescribed. It is important to have enough tissue behind that would allow a safe closure and give perfect cosmetic results.
Can I get pregnant after a tummy tuck?
Yes, you can get pregnant after a tummy tuck. The abdominal wall of a woman is designed in such a way that it will stretch and widen to accommodate the growing fetus. A tummy tuck procedure cannot hinder the stretching of the abdomen, and thus cannot stop pregnancy too.
How long is sleep elevated after a tummy tuck?
Rest and sleep are an important part of the recovery phase. After a mini tummy tuck, it is advised to sleep elevated for at least a week or two. A fully tummy tuck requires elevated sleeping for 2 to 6 weeks. However, it is necessary to remain in touch with your doctors, and also it is important to listen to your body.
What is a full tummy tuck?
A full tummy tuck helps to improve the appearance of both the upper and lower abdomen. People who are in relatively good health, but have loose skin and weak abdominal muscles around their midsection can consider getting a full tummy tuck. It helps to flatten and contour the area above and below the belly button. It is also medically known as Full Abdominoplasty.
When can I sleep flat after a tummy tuck?
Every patient’s recovery is unique. When can you sleep flat after the surgery is a common question? Recovery time depends on the surgical technique used, age, and several other factors. If you have a mini tummy tuck surgery, you will need 1 to 3 weeks of elevated sleeping and full tummy tuck surgery requires 4 weeks of elevated sleeping.
Can you get a tummy tuck before having a baby?
Yes, you can get a tummy tuck before pregnancy, but surgeons recommend undergoing this surgery when you have had all of your children. Becoming pregnant after a tummy tuck procedure compromises the results of the abdominoplasty. However, if you get the surgery done before pregnancy, a follow-up procedure with your surgeon can help you tighten and tone your abdominal region again.
Can you get fat again after a tummy tuck?
After a tummy tuck procedure, it is normal for weight to fluctuate in small amounts. Gaining 5 to 10 pounds so not affect the results, but it is important to know where the weight gain is coming from as gaining excessive weight can reduce the effectiveness of the surgery. Therefore, it is significant to maintain a healthy lifestyle and cut out stress from life.
If you still have questions regarding tummy tuck or any other procedure done at Divine including hair transplant, chin liposuction, breast augmentation, Gynecomastia treatment, Facelift, chin implant, etc, feel free to contact Dr. Amit Gupta, to schedule an appointment with him.


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