What Are Hair Fibers and Hair Fibers Side Effects?
Also known as hair building fibres or “party powder”, this revolutionary product is great for people with hair thinning, post transplant to camouflage the operated look, and to cover bald patches temporarily. Divine Cosmetic Hair Fibres are designed to be safe, cost effective and long lasting. They are free of side effects, and do not dust off with wind or rain.
Hair Fibres are a new age product, unlike anything you have used before, which:
- Instantaenously cover areas of hair thinning/bald spots.
- Offer a completely natural look, whether indoors or outdoors and even in bright light/sunlight.
- Last all day/night.
- Withstand wind, sweat, and rain.
- Do not end up smearing and/or staining your skin or clothing.
- Works equally well in women as in the case of men.
Hair-building Fibres (Hbfs)
HBFs are a new age product, unlike anything you have used before, which:
- Instantaenously cover areas of hair thinning/bald spots.
- Offer a completely natural look, whether indoors or outdoors and even in bright light/sunlight.
- Last all day/night.
- Withstand wind, sweat, and rain.
- Do not end up smearing and/or staining your skin or clothing.
- Works equally well in women as in the case of men.
How is it better than its contempraries?
- Made of natural fibers extracted from plants.
- Absolutely skin safe, even in individuals with sensitive skin.
- Free of ingredients derived from animals, synthetic dyes, chemicals, fillers and preservatives.
- Fast and secure binding with hair, long-lasting hair style.
The basic ingredient of HBFs, derived from Gossypium herbaceum, is identical to human hair but differs in one aspect. The fibre carries an inherently negative charge. Human hair, on the other hand, carries a positive charge. This opposing quality of charges facilitates far superior binding of the fibres with the hair.
The result – a bond that is twice as strong as any other fibre generated from animal/other hair.
Hair fibres are available in various colours, black, dark brown, light brown, blonde, grey, white etc.
How Does It Work?
Most fibres available in the market are derived from animal hair and that is exactly the root of the problem. Animal hair is too similar to human hair. Now, the phenomenon of likes repel and unlikes attract applies to this situation.
The basic ingredient of HBFs, derived from Gossypium herbaceum, is identical to human hair but differs in one aspect. The fibre carries an inherently negative charge. Human hair, on the other hand, carries a positive charge. This opposing quality of charges facilitates far superior binding of the fibres with the hair.
The result – a bond that is twice as strong as any other fibre generated from animal/other hair.
Most products end up covering the scalp, with little to no binding to the hair shafts. This generally causes irritation to the scalp and in some cases allergic reactions as well. However, HBFs cling in to the hair shafts. This results in an immediate effective thickening of each hair strand, which in turn results in a much denser appearance of the scalp hair and thus eliminates areas of thinning/bald spots.
Also, most products have some colorant agent. These invariably leave a smear mark or stain on the scalp or clothing of the individual – clear telltale sign that a camouflage product has been used. But, if it is so apparent, then the idea of using such a product is defeated. HBFs do not smear or stain because no chemicals or dyes are used to color the fibres. Instead, natural mineral colorants are used.
To sum it up, most fibres face the following three problems:
- Weak coverage– easily disturbed by wind, rain, sweating or even with laying head down on a couch or pillow.
- Lacklustre appearance– since most fibres end up falling on to the scalp, instead of bonding with the hair, the resultant look is lifeless and unnatural.
- Uncomfortable to wear– chemicals, dyes, preservatives added to enhance the look and feel of the fibres are more often than not harsh on the skin.
HBFs scores over its competition on all the three counts above.
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