

      Labiaplasty : Best Labiaplasty Surgery in Delhi (India ) | Cost & Procedure

      Not happy with the shape of your labia? Consider labiaplasty, It is totally common for women to be extremely concerned about the appearance of their genitalia and one question that most gynecologists come across is “ Does my vagina look normal?” 

      The question is asked by several women since the female genital comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. They even come in different colors and some women are really unhappy with the way their labia looks.

      The question that arises now is “What is Labia?” Labia are the flaps of skin that are located on each side of the opening of the vagina. No two women have the same labia, some are long, some are short, while some are asymmetrical. There is no fixed size of labia, however, an uneven or large labia can cause confidence issues among women. It also causes discomfort and pain which can take a toll on the quality of life of a woman. In such cases, it is recommended to get a labia reconstruction surgery, medically known as labiaplasty

      • Labiaplasty is not only for improving the physical appearance of the labia, it is mainly to provide physical relief to women who are experiencing discomfort due to enlarged labia
      • It can give a major confidence boost to women who are unable to feel youthful and are not happy in their sexual relationship due to enlarged labia.
      • The recovery after labiaplasty is quick if a patient takes proper care of herself.
      • It is a quick procedure and takes 45 minutes or an hour to complete.
      • Pain-wise, it is not as painful as other cosmetic surgeries are. 

      Labiaplasty is major surgery; hence it is very important to choose an experienced surgeon for this procedure. Dr.  Amit Gupta is the best labiaplasty doctor in Delhi. He has set a benchmark in vaginal rejuvenation surgery in India by performing the maximum number of successful labiaplasties. 


      What is Labiaplasty?

      Labial reconstruction or labiaplasty is a surgical procedure that is carried out to alter the shape, size, and appearance of labia minora, also known as inner vaginal lips, and labia majora, also known as outer vaginal lips***.

      The goal of the surgery is to reduce the functional problems that a woman experiences as a result of enlarged labia. It is also done to get an aesthetically pleasing labia. 

      What is the need to get labiaplasty?

      There are several reasons why a woman decides to undergo labiaplasty. Some major reasons are:

      • In some cases, it is purely cosmetic surgery as most women are unhappy with the way their labia looks. 
      • In some cases, labia is either distorted or enlarged, which does not cause any medical problems but it can surely cause low self-esteem and can even make a woman look unattractive. This can directly affect the sexual relationship of a woman.
      • Labiaplasty is essential for women who experience a lot of discomfort due to enlarged labia. It could be difficulty in having sex, inserting tampons, difficulty doing exercise, or sitting down comfortably. 
      • In certain cases, women are unable to wear the desired clothes due to enlarged labia. 
      • In many cases, labia gets damaged during childbirth which can lead to stretching, scarring, or gaps. The changed appearance of labia, in this case, leaves many women self-conscious and unhappy.
      • In some cases, aging is also an important factor that changes the shape of the labia. It loses its elasticity and also changes its size. 
      • It becomes necessary to get labiaplasty if enlarged labia causes irritation and becomes a source of a hygiene issue. 

      Who is a good candidate for labiaplasty?

      You become a candidate for labiaplasty when:

      • You have developed significant changes in your labia postpartum***
      • You always had a large labia minora or majora.
      • You are 18 years or older
      • You face discomfort in having sex, sitting, or exercising
      • You are suffering from labial tears after giving birth to a child
      • You are having a good health
      • You have a positive outlook toward the entire procedure

      The best way to decide if you are a good candidate for labiaplasty or not is to consult an experienced plastic surgeon. With an experienced doctor, you can talk about your concerns and ensure if the procedure will be beneficial for you or not. 


      Pros and Cons of Labiaplasty


      • Reduced discomfort***
      • Increased sexual confidence***
      • Better quality of life
      • High self-esteem


      • Risk of infection post-operation***
      • Swelling***
      • Bleeding*** 
      • Bruising***
      • Vaginal dryness***

      Like all other surgical procedures, there are certain risks associated with labiaplasty. It is recommended to have a detailed conversation with your surgeon about the pros and cons of the surgery before undergoing one. 

      Choosing the right look:

      Vaginas come in different shapes and sizes. If you are suffering from longer labia***, consider getting them into any of the shapes described below:

      • The Barbie: It is one of the most popular looks which involves the removal of almost all of the labia minora and the labia majora is then closed completely. To achieve this smooth teenager look, labia majora is also reduced extensively. It is one of the most comprehensive procedures in labiaplasty these days.
      • The Rim: It is more of a natural look. In this procedure, labia minora is trimmed and inner lips are left little protruding. It is recommended when you want to remove a darker and irregular edge on your labia minora
      • The Hybrid: If you want a smooth look, but are not ready for a drastic change that comes after getting the Barbie look, the Hybrid is the in-between option. This procedure involves smoothening the labia minora just enough for the outer lips to close over it. 

      Techniques of labiaplasty Minora reduction:

      Several techniques can be used for labia minora reduction:

      • Deepithelialization*** is used to remove a small tissue. It is done when the labia is very thin and if one wants to preserve the volume of the labia
      • When labia are large, it takes the shape of a wedge which is then excised to give it a natural look and the darker portion of the skin is removed too.
      • When clitoral hooding is considered along with labiaplasty, composite reduction of excision is used. It is performed along with labia Majoraplasty and involves the removal of excess skin folds beside the clitoris. 

      Techniques used in labia majoraplasty

      • Fat grafting is used in labia Majoraplasty. When the labia become irregular and wrinkly due to aging, fat grafting is done to give it a voluminous look. in this procedure, along with fat reduction, extra crescent-shaped skin is also excised to give it a more appealing look
      • When labia majora becomes very large or oversized, fat reduction can be done. Here liposuction is done to remove the fat and give the desired shape to the vagina. 

      Preparing for a Labiaplasty

      Few guidelines should be kept in mind before going in for Labiaplasty. Some major points to be kept in mind are:

      • Make sure that you stop all the blood thinners and NSAIDs at least two weeks before the surgery. If you are not sure if the medication you take falls in either category, it is best to consult your plastic surgeon to avoid any future complications
      • Avoid taking herbal and weight loss supplements at least four weeks before your labiaplasty surgery.
      • Do not eat or drink anything for at least 8 hours before the surgery. However, if you are on any medication, you can take it with a small sip of water. It is better to consult your doctor regarding it.
      • Get plenty of sleep before the surgery. It will help your body to recover after the surgery.  
      • Make sure to take a healthy diet and drink plenty of water before the surgery. Establishing healthy habits before the surgery will help you recover well after the surgery. 

      Labiaplasty Procedure and Recovery

      The complete labiaplasty procedure is done as follows:

      • The surgery is done under a local anesthetic. General anesthesia can also be used, however, some patients are given sedation along with local anesthesia. 
      • The patient will then lay comfortably on the table with legs spread apart.
      • Before starting the surgery the surgeon will mark the areas keeping the outcomes in mind. This is done to avoid any distortion caused by infiltration and to give the best possible shape. 
      • The operated area is unfiltered with anesthesia and adrenaline to reduce blood loss and scarring.
      • As discussed above, there are two popular methods of labiaplasty, and the choice of method depends on the patient’s need.
      • In the trim method, the extra tissue is simply removed from the labia. 
      • In the wedge method, a pie-shaped tissue is removed from the labia and it then advances the edges of the tissues together leading to the shrinking and tightening of the labia
      • In most cases, labiaplasty is combined with other vaginal rejuvenation methods like vaginoplasty, clitoral hood reduction, etc
      • After the completion of the procedure, dissolvable sutures are given to the patient. 
      • Labia Majoraplasty is performed after labia Majoraplasty. Liposuction is done at the end. 

      Recovery after labiaplasty 

      • Labiaplasty is an effective, safe, and straightforward procedure and patients can resume their normal activities after a week post-surgery***
      • It takes at least 6 weeks to recover from the surgery completely.
      • For the patients who gate labiaplasty, it is advised to take at least a weeks off from the work as the swelling in the first few days is worst, and the treated area can be uncomfortable with excessive movement
      • Although it is advised to resume mobility as soon as possible after the surgery, patients should listen to their bodies and provide them the proper time to heal.
      • Driving can be resumed in 1 or 2 weeks after the surgery
      • Exercise and gym can be resumed within 6 weeks of the surgery
      Things to expect during the recovery 

      Labiaplasty is major surgery and operating labia may cause certain discomfort. You can experience the following things during the recovery:

      • Mild Pain: Though the surgery is performed under anesthesia, you will feel a slight discomfort in the operated area. However, the pain symptoms will go away if you take the painkillers prescribed by your doctor religiously.
      • Swelling and Bruising: It is guaranteed that you will experience swelling after the surgery. . it is also possible that you can experience pain while urinating which you can counter by running warm water over the affected area. Applying ice packs on the affected area can also help in the reduction of swelling. 
      • Hygiene and clothing: To reduce discomfort and pain, wear loose clothing and underwear. Tight clothes can increase swelling and hence the time of recovery also increases. Also, avoid using tampons in your recovery period. Stick to pads till the time you are fully recovered.
      • Don’t have sex: Yes, you heard it right, abstain from sex, for at least 6 weeks after the surgery. As time passes, you can slowly resume your normal activities. 
      Tips for recovery

      You can follow the following tips to reduce your recovery time after labiaplasty:

      • Take the pain medications as prescribed. It will help you to fight pain and counter swelling.
      • Cold compress is another way to get rid of the side effects of the surgery. 
      • Eat and drink well. Stay on a healthy diet and drink lots of water. It will help your body to heal better.
      • Keep away from smoking and drinking. They can prolong the recovery time.
      • Do not hit the gym immediately. Give your body some time to heal and relax. Otherwise, you can break your incisions.
      • Keep your sutures moist by applying a lubricant. It will prevent scab formation on the surgical site.
      • The most important tip is to rest. Have plenty of rest for the first couple of days to ensure proper recovery.
      • Walking around is as important as resting. It will reduce the chances of swelling and blood clots.
      • Keep your dressings clean and dry. Change them at regular intervals to avoid any chances of infection
      After Care 
      • Perform careful incision care: It is one of the most important things to do after a labiaplasty. Gently wash your incision with soap and water for at least 2 weeks. Pat the area dry and you can apply Vaseline to keep the region moist. In the initial days, you may notice bleeding from the area. However, it will fade with time.
      • Avoid strenuous exercise: Avoid any kind of heavy lifting or strenuous exercise after the surgery. It will lower the risk of bleeding. avoid standing for long hours as it may increase the swelling in the operated area. Apply a cold compress for the first two days to combat swelling.
      • Take prescribed medicines: It is very important to take pain medicines after surgery to reduce pain and discomfort. You can then slowly wean off the medicines once the pain starts to fade.
      • Give yourself time to recover: It is advised to take a week off from your work to give your body proper time to heal. Pushing yourself to the work without giving your body the rest it needs, can increase the chances of swelling and pain.
      • Don’t judge the results early: The only goal after the surgery should be to let the incisions heal. Many people become eager to see the results, but it is important to keep pain and swelling at bay in the first two weeks. It takes time to see results. Early results can be seen in the first few days, however, it may take some time to see the complete results of the surgery. 

      Risks involved in Labiaplasty

      • If we talk about the side effects, it is extremely normal to have soreness and bleeding after the surgery and swelling can also last up to 2 weeks.
      • Peeing and sitting become uncomfortable after the surgery. However, these symptoms go away after a few days.
      • As far as risks are concerned, like any other surgery, labiaplasty also involves certain risks like:
      • Bleeding
      • Infection
      • Reduced sensitivity
      • Scarring of tissue
      • Allergic reaction to anesthesia
      • Blood clots

      It is recommended to have a detailed conversation with your surgeon about the pros and cons of the surgery and how would the risks be treated if in any case, you have them. 

      Labiaplasty Cost in India

      Various factors contribute to the cost of labiaplasty in India. The cost of Labiaplasty in India is comparatively cheaper as compared to other western countries. The presence of highly qualified doctors and reputed hospitals makes India a medical hotspot. 

      Due to the affordable prices of cosmetic surgery in India, it is one of the most sought out countries when it comes to cosmetic surgeries. The cost of labia surgery in India depends on:

      • Doctor: A highly experienced and well-certified plastic surgeon will charge more for the surgery than other doctors. 
      • Anesthesiologist: Since labiaplasty is performed under anesthesia, it requires more experience and expertise. Therefore the cost of an anesthesiologist also adds up to the total cost of the procedure
      • Location: It is a well-known fact that the cost of surgery is higher at locations that have several reputed hospitals, surgeons and clinics.
      • Type of Surgery: The cost also depends on the technique used for the surgery. Different techniques need different tools, machinery, and expertise. Therefore, the cost may vary depending on the type of surgery.
      • Target area:  Tummy Tuck cost also depends on the complexity of the procedure. The higher the complexity, the more is the price.
      • Equipment: If the surgery involves the use of high-end equipment and the latest technology, then its cost will be high automatically.
      • Follow-ups: Follow-ups required after the surgery also add up to the cost of labiaplasty.

      The price of labiaplasty also includes:

      • The total time surgeon spends in performing the surgery
      • Medications are given before, after, and during the surgery
      • Cost of using the hospital room
      • Personal expenses like consultation fees of the doctor travel cost, post-surgical care, etc

      The average cost of labiaplasty in India is around INR 35000 to 75000. The surgery takes an hour to perform. The time can prolong if labiaplasty is coupled with any other vaginal rejuvenation surgery.

      Cost of Labiaplasty in Delhi (India)

      Labiaplasty cost in Delhi and Gurgaon is affordable and client-friendly. The cost depends on many factors like the experience and qualification of a doctor, the complexity of the surgery, the technology used, patients profile, infrastructure, medicines, and follow-ups.

      If you are planning to get a labiaplasty treatment in Delhi, then Indian doctor Dr. Amit Gupta is the best in business. His experience and knowledge in the area of cosmetic surgery are unbeatable and his results are mind-blowing. Above all, all his treatments are available at client-friendly rates. 

      At Divine Cosmetic Surgery, we believe in taking extreme steps to avoid any kind of infection after the treatment and that is why we use safe surgical procedures to perform surgeries. We only use the latest technology and tools to give 100 % results to our clients.  

      At Divine, we understand the problems of our clients and we are determined to provide them our services at the most affordable rates possible 

      Frequently asked questions: 

      • When do labiaplasty stitches fall out?

      During the labiaplasty surgery, the surgeons mostly use dissolvable stitches that are gone by 3 to 4 weeks***. Scar blends with the labia minora tissue*** and gets hidden so well that it becomes difficult to notice it. After the dissolution of stitches, the scar tissue will become firm and soften after several months. 

      • Is labiaplasty covered by insurance?

      In most cases, labiaplasty is not covered by insurance companies. Insurance companies only cover those procedures that are considered medically necessary. One way is to define surgery as a reconstructive surgery which is mainly used to improve birth defects or it is done after an accident. The second is cosmetic surgery which is done to improve or reshape the otherwise normal body structures. Since labia come in different shapes and sizes, and labiaplasty is a procedure to improve the appearance of an otherwise normal body part, it is not covered by the insurance. 

      • What is the average cost of labiaplasty?
      • The average cost of labiaplasty depends on many factors like the experience and qualification of a doctor, the complexity of the surgery, the technology used, patients profile, infrastructure, medicines, and follow-ups. It also depends on the factors like the total time surgeon spends in performing the surgery, medications  given before, after, and during the surgery, cost of using the hospital room, and personal expenses like consultation fees of the doctor travel cost, post-surgical care, etc, The average cost of labiaplasty in India is around INR 60000 to INR 800000.
      • How to speed up labiaplasty recovery?

      To speed up the recovery after labiaplasty follow the given tips:

      • Take the pain medications as prescribed. It will help you to fight pain and counter swelling.
      • Cold compress is another way to get rid of the side effects of the surgery. 
      • Eat and drink well. Stay on a healthy diet and drink lots of water. It will help your body to heal better.
      • Keep away from smoking and drinking. They can prolong the recovery time.
      • Do not hit the gym immediately. Give your body some time to heal and relax. Otherwise, you can break your incisions.
      • Keep your sutures moist by applying a lubricant. It will prevent scab formation on the surgical site.
      • The most important tip is to rest. Have plenty of rest for the first couple of days to ensure proper recovery.
      • Walking around is as important as resting. It will reduce the chances of swelling and blood clots.
      • Keep your dressings clean and dry. Change them at regular intervals to avoid any chances of infection


      • Is labiaplasty safe?

      Labiaplasty is performed to remove the extra tissue. It helps women to get rid of all the functional problems that they experience as a result of enlarged labia. The popularity of the procedure is increasing manifolds. It is a safe and effective procedure with both cosmetic and functional benefits. 

      • How to get rid of itching after labiaplasty?

      Itching is one of the most common side effects after labiaplasty***. One of the best ways to combat itching is to use a cold compress, for small periods. The same technique can be used to reduce the swelling too. For additional support, you can use witch hazel applied on a pre-soaked pad or a cotton ball.

      • When is labiaplasty medically necessary?

      Labiaplasty becomes medically necessary when an uneven or large labia becomes the cause of recurring infections*** and also causes problems with female hygiene and urination. It becomes extremely essential when it causes a lot of discomfort in sitting, exercising, and having sex. Some women are even unable to wear their desired clothes due to the enlarged size of labia. It also becomes medically necessary when an enlarged labia becomes the cause of low self-esteem and confidence. 

      • When is labiaplasty covered by insurance?

      When an enlarged labia takes a toll over normal life, insurance companies can consider covering it. Since women with enlarged labia complain of irritation, discomfort, difficulty in riding and driving, difficulty in wearing tight clothing, insurance companies usually look for proven health issues versus discomfort to cover the surgery. 

      • Does labiaplasty hurt?

        It is the most commonly asked question. The procedure is not as painful as other cosmetic surgeries. However, there is soreness in the treated area. Patients can resume their activities in a day or two, but it is best to listen to their bodies to avoid bruising and swelling. 

      If you still have questions regarding Labiaplasty or any other procedure done at Divine including hair transplant, chin liposuction, breast augmentation, Gynecomastia treatment, Facelift, chin implant, etc, feel free to contact Dr. Amit Gupta, to schedule an appointment with him.



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