Common Questions that Women Have About Recovery After Labiaplasty
March 10, 2022 | By admin

Common Questions that Women Have About Recovery After Labiaplasty
Labiaplasty is also known as labiaplasty, labial reduction, and labia minora reduction. This is a cosmetic surgery procedure that is performed for altering the labia minora and the labia majora, which are the folds of the skin that surrounds the human vulva.
There are several reasons why a woman might seek this surgery. However, irrespective of what the reason is for you to seek this treatment, there are several questions that women have when it comes to labiaplasty. Today, we’ll answer all of these questions.
Q1. What are the Different Parts of Labiaplasty Surgery?
At Divine Cosmetic Surgery, we divide the labiaplasty surgery experience into three different parts. These three parts include the time before surgery, the surgery itself, and the recovery period.
Q2. Will It Be Uncomfortable to Recover After Labiaplasty?
It is not uncommon for women to feel a bit of discomfort in the surgical area after labiaplasty. It is common for women to experience swelling and bruising too. However, there are different ways to manage and minimize this discomfort.
One way is for the plastic surgeon to prescribe medications to manage the pain. Patients can also use cold compresses to relieve swelling. Beyond this, women might also experience discomfort when urinating after labiaplasty. If that is also the case with you, then you can run warm water over the area as you pee to help relieve the discomfort.
Q3. How Long Should I Take Off from Work for Recovery After Labiaplasty?
Most women feel comfortable going back to work the day after getting labiaplasty done. But if you feel as if you need to take more time to recuperate, then you can take anywhere between two and five days off from work. Only in rare circumstances would a patient need to take one or two weeks off work.
It should also be noted that the initial recovery labiaplasty can be quick. But this does not mean that the patient is completely recovered. You should hold off on certain activities until you get the all-clear from your doctor. You should delay any strenuous activities like exercise for at least four weeks.
Q4. What Recovery Tips Can I Follow to Care for the Area as it Heals?
If you have got a labiaplasty from a qualified and experienced cosmetic surgeon, then it is quite possible that the cosmetic surgeon would have used dissolvable sutures. This is done so that the patient does not have to return to have the stitches removed. When caring for the area, you should also be as gentle as possible.
You can spray the area with warm water to help keep the area clean. Avoid using any harsh soaps or body washes. During recovery, make sure that you wear loose-fitting underwear so that any possible friction can be avoided. It is also a good idea to wear loose-fitting clothing like skirts instead of shorts and tight pants.
As the incision heals, it is also common to see a bit of bleeding or spotting. If that is the case with you, then it can be a good idea to wear a pad or pantiliner. If you get your period after the surgery, then you should not use a tampon until you get an all-clear from your cosmetic surgery. If there are any concerns about infections, then you should use an antibacterial ointment.
Q5. What Activities Can I Do After Labiaplasty?
You should take it easy after getting labiaplasty. At the same time, it does not mean that you should be a couch potato. Instead, some movements and activities are essential to make sure that you feel better and heal more quickly.
It is normally recommended that you should take a daily walk. This would help improve blood circulation and it will keep your muscles in good shape. One thing that you should remember while picking any activity is that you should pick an activity that does not put any pressure on the area.
Q6. Will There Be Any Scars?
If you get labiaplasty done by an experienced cosmetic surgeon, then you will not have to worry about getting scars. This is due to the fact that experienced surgeons use the natural folds of the skin to hide any scars. This means that no scars would be visible to the naked eye after the surgery.
Q7. How Often Should I See My Cosmetic Surgeon for Follow-Up?
Your cosmetic surgeon would want to see you periodically after getting labiaplasty. This will be done to check in on how the healing is going and to make sure that there are no complications after the surgery.
Further, if you are worried about the exact number of follow-ups that would be required, then you should simply leave that decision to your cosmetic surgeon. There are a number of factors that influence this decision and only your cosmetic surgeon can be a good judge to decide an answer to this question.
During this time, if you have any concerns related to cosmetic surgery, then you should contact your cosmetic surgeon as soon as possible. It is important to make sure that you are comfortable with your cosmetic surgeon and that you can discuss any concerns that you have freely.
Q8. Why You Should Get Labiaplasty Done at Divine Cosmetic Surgery?
At Divine Cosmetic Surgery, we go leaps and bounds to understand the concerns of our patients and provide them with the best treatment. We are proud to call ourselves India’s most trusted cosmetic surgery centre and have been offering our patients with world-class medical treatments to deserve this title.
If you also wish to experience world-class treatments that combine the best that science and technology have to offer, then book a consultation session with us today!
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