Laser Hair Removal – A Step By Step Process
March 21, 2022 | By admin

What is Laser Hair Removal?
Laser hair removal is a non-invasive method that is performed for permanently reducing or removing the unwanted body or facial hair. This is a convenient procedure that leaves the skin looking smoother and feeling silkier than ever.
Laser hair removal is known for providing better results than waxing, electrolysis, or razors. This is a gentle technique that can be of great help in treating larger areas effectively with minimum discomfort. There is also no downtime for this procedure.
Should You Get Laser Hair Removal Done?
Laser hair removal is one of the most common aesthetic procedures that are performed all across the globe. On top of this, the procedure is completely safe. This is why if you have unwanted facial or body hair that makes you feel less confident or limits your ability to wear certain types of clothes, then you should consider getting laser hair removal.
The hair removal procedure is also a good option for people who have dark hair and light skin. It is also good for people who are looking for an alternative to electrolysis, waxing, bleaching, or shaving. Some benefits associated with laser hair removal are:
- Both small and large areas of the body can be treated effectively
- Can make skin colour and complexion more uniform
- After an average of 3-8 sessions, most patients have permanent hair loss on the treated area
It should be noted that multiple treatments can be required to produce desired results through hair treatment.
Am I a Good Candidate for Laser Hair Removal?
Given the benefits of laser hair removal, are you wondering whether you are a good candidate for this procedure or not? If yes, then let’s help you arrive at that answer very quickly today!
If you fulfil any of the conditions and criteria mentioned below, then you are a good candidate for laser hair removal.
- You have unwanted hair on different parts of your body like your back, bikini line, and underarm
- You have unwanted hair on different parts of your face like your chin, upper lip, or cheek
- You are currently looking for an alternative to waxing, electrolysis, shaving, or bleaching
- You have dark hair and light skin
The great part about a laser hair removal procedure is that it is safe for all parts of your body, including your face. However, if you are getting hair removal done on your face, then you should still wear a protective eye cover.
Further, hair removal also helps you save time as permanently removing or reducing hair on your legs can help you skip the hassle and money spent on shaving and waxing!
Laser Hair Removal – A Step by Step Process
Till now we have talked about why you should get laser hair removal done. Because of that, you might now be interested in learning about the steps involved in this procedure. This is why we have mentioned all of those steps below.
- Before the laser hair removal treatment starts, protective eye shields will be placed over the eyes of the patient to prevent any possible injury to the retinas or corneas
- The hair that will undergo treatment will be trimmed to a few millimetres above the skin surface
- To protect the outer layers of the skin, a cold gel or special cooling device will be used. This will also work by facilitating laser light penetration through the skin
- The laser beam will be adjusted to the skin colour and the colour, thickness, and location of the hair that is to be removed
- A test treatment would be done by directing a test pulse light to the treatment area
- This area will be observed to make sure that the settings are correct and no adverse effects are present
- If the test is successful, the laser beam is systematically directed spot-by-spot to the areas to be treated. This would instantly and permanently disable any active-growth hair follicles. This will be done with each treatment. It should be noted that follicles in the dormant phase will not be affected by this treatment
- When the procedure is done, the patient will be given ice packs, cold water, or anti-inflammatory creams or lotions. This helps in soothing the treated area and diminishing any discomfort
It should be noted that 3-4 treatment sessions can be required to get optimal results. Most surgeons will also recommend a treatment interval of four to eight weeks between two sessions. This interval time is calculated on the basis of the factors that are mentioned below.
- Gender
- Age
- Hair type
- Hair growth pattern
- Body region that is being treated
- Type of laser that is selected
What are the Options?
There are a number of different devices that can be used for hair removal. The most successful laser hair removal devices use a low-energy laser beam to disable the active growth hair follicles. Some factors that affect hair removal through laser are:
- Skin colour
- Hair colour
- Hair thickness
- Area of the body that has to be treated
- Type of device selected
- Wavelength and fluence of the laser
- Spot size and pulse width
- Skin temperature and cooling
- Treatment timing
Depending on the type of results that you want and your conditions, your cosmetic surgeon will select to use one or a combination of the following devices.
- Ruby laser
- Alexandrite laser
- Diode laser
- YAG laser
- Intense pulsed light devices
Why Should You Get Laser Hair Removal at Divine Cosmetic Surgery?
At Divine Cosmetic Surgery, we only care about providing our patients with the best cosmetic results and their safety. This is why when you step inside Divine Cosmetic Surgery hospital, then you can rest assured that you are in the best possible hands.
We have a team of medical experts with decades of collective experience. The entire team is led by the very talented and experienced Dr. Amit Gupta. What more could you want?
Contact us today to book your first consultation now!