What are Some Recovery Tips After Breast Reduction?
November 16, 2022 | By admin

Some Recovery Tips After Breast Reduction
A breast reduction is a surgery where extra fat and tissues are removed from the breast region to give a natural and charming look.
The breast region becomes heavy during the mid or late teenage years when adolescence hits the female body. There are many females that are suffering from excessively heavy breasts and find it difficult to perform tasks in their everyday life.
There are various techniques for breast reduction, which depend on the individual. Every female body has distinct genetics, personal tolerance for pain, and the amount of fat around the breast area.
To learn more about breast reduction and why a woman should get the surgery, watch the latest video by Dr. Amit Gupta.
Today, we will talk about the tips that women need to follow after getting breast reduction surgery. It should be noted that the correct recovery would allow a woman to achieve the best possible results after the surgery.
Chronological Order for Breast Reduction Recovery – Recovery Tips After Breast Reduction
Let’s deep dive into the recovery procedure that a woman experiences after getting breast reduction surgery in a chronological order.
- 1 – 3 Days After Surgery
Once the plastic surgeon has performed the breast reduction surgery, the patient is asked to wear a type of dressing that is loose and sterilized. This protects the stitches and incisions. The scale of swelling is a bit higher during this period and can result in a bit of discomfort for the patient.
The patient may have a shower after 2 days of surgery. It is very important to follow the medications prescribed to the patient which consist of a number of antibiotics. Proper general instruction is recommended to be followed by the patient to take proper care of the incisions and stitches. During this tenure, a family member or an assistant is prescribed to help in daily routine activities.
- 1 – 2 Weeks After Surgery
This tenure consists of the 4-14 days after the surgery. As considered, ‘Rest is Best’, the patient should allow herself to rest enough so as to ensure a proper recovery. Mobility exercises like walking and mild body movements must also be performed for proper blood circulation.
The swelling and bruises softened up during this period. A gel or an adsorbent is suggested to the patient that should be applied on the sutures for better and faster healing. An adsorbent ensures proper nourishment over the area where surgery had been performed. It should be noted that the patient should not lift heavy objects.
- 2 – 4 Weeks After Surgery
During this tenure, the patient can get back to her daily routine and perform regular activities. Reduction of bruises and swelling would diminish but wearing a soft bra would be still recommended.
Although, patients can do regular activities but are prescribed to protect the breast area and not allow the same to get wet.
- 4 – 8 Weeks After Surgery
After 4 weeks, that is, a complete recovery, the energy and comfort level would be replenished leading to zero level of discomfort. The patient would be able to carry out all the regular activities which include bathing as well.
The patient would feel confident in her body. The marks of suture and stitches would be completely healed. The doctor would permit the patient to sleep in the prone position which means on the stomach. Strenuous activities include gym and aerobics which includes flexibility over the breast region can be continued.
Pain and Breast Reductions
After surgery, the patient can genuinely feel the loading off of weight over the breast region. However, in some cases, the patient may feel a bit of discomfort or pain. In those cases, proper medication prescribed by the doctor must be followed for minimum side effects and pain. Gels are prescribed to be applied over the region to reduce marks. A recommended diet must have to be followed for the best results.
Scarring and Breast Reductions
Scarring shows the growth of the tissue where skin heals after an injury. Qualified surgeons try their best to hide all these scars and make them fade. With the passage of time, most of the scars would fade away depending on several characteristics of the patients that include age, complexion, and genetics.
Few precautions that are prescribed by the doctor that must be followed by the patients:
- Avoid strenuous activities that put stress on the incisions.
- For proper healing, a high fibre and protein diet is recommended which helps in repairing the damaged tissues.
- Silicone sheeting helps in decreasing the scars.
- Avoid lifting heavy stuff and keep them away from the breast region.
- Minimum 8-hour sleep must be preferred.
- Drink a minimum of 3 litres of water per day to prevent dehydration.
- Avoid junk foods that are full of spices and oils.
- Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption.
- Start movements of body parts gradually over time.
After once a proper recovery is done, the patient must reconsider contacting the surgeon in case any problem occurs.
Why Choose Divine Cosmetic Surgery?
Most of the side effects that happen during the recovery after breast reduction happen when patients do not get these treatments from qualified, experienced, and skilled plastic surgeons. If you want to get the best results, then you should only get breast reduction from Dr. Amit Gupta at Divine Cosmetic Surgery.
Divine Cosmetic Surgery provides patients with the best-qualified surgeons with experience of over 20+ years in plastic surgeries. With all precautions and appropriate care, Divine Cosmetic Surgery delivers amazing results. We are the most trusted cosmetic surgery center in India and ensure that all of our patients always get the best results!
So, what are you waiting for? Contact us and book your first free consultation today!