What is the Success Rate of Hymenoplasty?
November 9, 2021 | By admin

What is the Success Rate of Hymenoplasty?
Hymenoplasty surgery is a cosmetic surgical procedure that is done to reestablish the torn hymen. This is mainly done because the intactness of a hymen is considered as an indication of virginity before the marriage.
Women can rupture their hymen by engaging in premarital sexual intercourse, performing strenuous physical activities, and some women are also born without an intact hymen. This is why hymenoplasty surgery is a method that can be relied upon to reconstruct a torn hymen.
Hymenoplasty surgery is also known as hymen reconstruction, hymenorrhaphy, hymen surgery, and hymen repair surgery. Today, we’ll look at the success rate of this surgical procedure. But before we do that, it is important to take a closer look at the procedure of hymenoplasty surgery.
The Procedures for Performing Hymenoplasty Surgery
If you want to get a hymenoplasty surgery done, then the first thing you need to do is schedule a consultation with the best cosmetic surgeon in India. During the consultation, you should discuss the hymenoplasty surgical procedure and talk about your expectations from the surgery in a clear and concise manner.
You should also wait to get insight into the surgery from the cosmetic surgery. Once you have all of that information, then the next step is to learn about the techniques that are used for performing a hymenoplasty surgery. Let’s talk about those techniques here too.
- The Basic Technique
In the basic technique, the remains of the hymen are stitched back together. For this technique, local or general anesthesia is administered to the patient for the prevention of any pain or discomfort.
The surgeon will use dis solvable stitches to sew the torn parts of the hymen together. The entire process can take around 30 to 40 minutes to complete. This is done on an outpatient basis.
- The All Plant Technique
The all plant technique is followed when the remains of the hymen cannot be stitched back together. In this case, the surgeon will insert a biomaterial into the vagina and this material will be tearable. It will serve as the hymen. The all plant technique is performed under local anesthesia and will take around two hours to complete.
- The Hymen Reconstruction
In the hymen reconstruction technique, the surgeon will create a new hymen using the tissues from the lips of the vagina. After this technique, the patient will be required to abstain from sexual intercourse for a minimum of three months.
The Requirement for Hymenoplasty Surgery
Generally, women seek to get hymenoplasty surgery for cultural and religious reasons. In most cases, the woman wishes to have an intact hymen before her wedding to conform to the religious and social norms set in Indian society.
Before performing the surgery, the woman must also get a gynecological exam done. Beyond that, one should also check to see if she is a good candidate for this surgical procedure or not. A suitable candidate for hymenoplasty surgery must fulfill a few criteria that are mentioned below.
- Has ruptured the hymen due to engaging in sexual intercourse or other activities
- Is over the age of 18 years
- Is healthy and does not suffer from any serious medical illnesses
A woman is not eligible for this surgical procedure if she is suffering from genital cancer or some other venereal disease. One should also note that there are some possible side effects of hymenoplasty surgery. These side effects are:
- Post-operative swelling
- Post-operative pain
- Post-operative bruising
- Hematomas
- Bleeding
- Discoloration of the hymen
- Numbness
It should be noted that one can avoid experiencing any of these side effects if the surgery is performed by a qualified, experienced, and skilled cosmetic surgeon. This is why you should get hymenoplasty done by the best cosmetic surgeon in India.
The Considerations for Hymenoplasty Surgery
There are several factors that one should consider before getting a hymenoplasty surgery. Some of these factors are:
- The Care After the Surgery
Once you are done getting the hymenoplasty surgery, then there is a certain amount of care that is involved to ensure that you get the best possible results. For example, patients are advised to not engage in any moderate to strenuous physical activities for 10 days after getting the surgery.
One should also rest for 3 to 4 days after getting the surgery. The surgical site should also be kept clean and one has to complete the entire antibiotic regime to prevent any infection. A warm compress and ice packs should be used to ease pain and swelling. One should avoid taking baths for 2 to 3 days after getting hymenoplasty surgery. Engaging in sexual intercourse should also be avoided for 8 weeks after getting the surgery.
- Recovery Time
Individuals also need to remember that even though the surgery takes around 1 hour to perform, the recovery time is longer. The complete healing process can take any time around 4 weeks to 6 weeks.
- The Cost
There are a number of external factors that would determine the cost of hymenoplasty surgery. Everything from the surgeon that you select to the type of anesthesia that is administered, plays a role in determining the final cost of the surgery. However, usually, the surgery can cost you anything from INR 14,000 to INR 60,000.
It is true that money plays a role in deciding where you should get your surgery. But at the same time, you should not make the mistake of only caring about the money. Make sure that you are getting the surgery done by the best cosmetic surgeon.
The Success Rate of Hymenoplasty at Divine Cosmetic Surgery
At Divine Cosmetic Surgery, hymenoplasty is a completely successful procedure with a success rate of nearly 100%! This has only been possible due to the sheer dedication and hard work of the medical team at Divine Cosmetic Surgery.
At Divine Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Amit Gupta and his team are on a mission to help all patients live the highest quality of life. This is why we at Divine Cosmetic Surgery always go above and beyond in providing our patients with the best quality medical services.
If you want to learn more about us and how we can help you today, then book your first free consultation right now!
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