What is the Success Rate of Hypospadias Surgery?

October 10, 2022 | By admin

What is the Success Rate of Hypospadias Surgery?

Hypospadias is a birth defect that occurs when the urethra does not develop properly in a baby’s penis. The urethra is the tube that carries urine and sperm through the penis to exit the body.

Hypospadias is a condition that can cause problems later in life like having to sit to pee or difficulties in having intercourse. This is why it is recommended that if a child is suffering from this condition, then he should get the right treatment that he needs.

Hypospadias repair surgeries are very successful. The outcome of these surgical procedures lasts a lifetime and it ensures that a child has a normal and healthy functioning penis.

At the same time, one should remember that there can be possible complications from the surgical procedure if one fails to get the surgery from a qualified, experienced, and skilled medical professional.

How Does Hypospadias Affect the Penis?

During the early development of a baby, the urethra starts as an open channel. The tube closes as the baby develops before birth. The opening of the urethra is known as the meatus and it is typically at the tip of the penis.

If a baby is suffering from hypospadias, then the meatus forms in a different location. It might be on the shaft of the penis, the scrotum, or inside the tip of the penis. Depending on the position of the meatus, hypospadias can be classified into different types, including:

  • Subcoronal: In this condition, the meatus is located near the head of the penis
  • Midshaft: In this condition, the meatus is located along the penis shaft
  • Penoscrotal: In this condition, the meatus is located where the penis and the scrotum meet

One should also remember that hypospadias is not similar to a condition where one has a curved penis. This is not to say that children with hypospadias cannot have a curved penis, which is also known as chordee or congenital penile curvature.

Further, one must remember that hypospadias is a common condition. It affects approximately one of every 250 to 300 newborn males.



The Causes of Hypospadias

There are no studies that currently point to the exact cause of hypospadias. However, from what is known, hypospadias tends to run in families. Children with hypospadias are slightly more likely to have fathers and brothers who also have the same condition.

Researchers have shown that some problem tends to occur during pregnancy, which leads to this condition. The penis begins to develop at around the eighth week of pregnancy. The urethra defect happens between week 9 and week 12.

Beyond this, there are certain factors in the mother that can increase the risk of a baby suffering from hypospadias, including:

  • Obesity or carrying extra weight
  • Age over 35 years
  • The use of fertility treatment to get pregnant. This could be due to the possible exposure to progesterone, which is a hormone used during fertilization
  • Use of other hormones before or during pregnancy
  • Exposure to pesticides
  • Smoking

The Symptoms of Hypospadias

Children who suffer from hypospadias can experience several symptoms, including:

  • Chordee: This refers to the downward curving of a penis
  • Undescended testicles: One of the testicles does not descend fully into the scrotum
  • Undeveloped foreskin: The skin that covers the head of the penis does not develop completely. This is why babies who suffer from hypospadias should not be circumcised
  • Abnormal Urination: Urine does not spray in a straight stream

How is Hypospadias Diagnosed?

Hypospadias is usually diagnosed when a baby is born. Checking a newborn child for hypospadias is a part of the routine newborn examination after birth. This problem is easier to notice as the most common symptom is that the hole of the penis is in the wrong place. The foreskin is also not formed and the tip of the penis is exposed.

If a doctor detects that the child is suffering from hypospadias, then one should seek the required treatment as soon as possible.


How is Hypospadias Treated?

The only treatment for hypospadias is to get a surgical repair done. Children can get this corrective surgery at an earlier age. One must make sure to discuss the exact timing of the child’s surgery.

Many medical professionals prefer to do this surgery when the child is between the age of 6 months to 12 months. It is easy to care for a child at this age. The goal of the surgery is to ensure that the urethra is in the correct spot at the penis tip.

During the surgery, the doctor will:

  • Straighten the penis shaft
  • Build a new urethra
  • Position the urethral opening at the tip of the penis
  • Reconstruct the foreskin

After the surgery is done, then the baby might need to use a small tube, known as a catheter, to pee. The catheter stays in for a few days. Medicines will also be prescribed to reduce the risk of infection and relieve any sort of discomfort.

Why You Should Get Hypospadias Repair Surgery at Divine Cosmetic Surgery!

At Divine Cosmetic Surgery, we have a team of expert plastic surgeons who decades of collective experience. This entire team of experts is led by Dr. Amit Gupta, who has over 20 years of experience in treating patients from across the globe.

Dr. Amit Gupta ensures that all of his patients are able to get the treatment that they need without any hassle. So, what are you waiting for?

Contact Dr. Amit Gupta today and book your treatment consultation!


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Know Various Techniques of Hypospadias Surgery