

      Micro Refined Microfollicular Hair Transplant Surgery (MMFT)

      We believe FUE hair transplant has major limitations if used as the only technique. Some of the problems which have been defined are graft wastage, the addictive nature of scars, and scar contraction. We are of the opinion that the FUT (Follicular unit transplant) also known as the Strip procedure is the best procedure particularly when mega-sessions are involved. Over the preceding 3 years, we were glad and satisfied with our results, but we decided to modify certain steps in our constant endeavor to improve to achieve much better results.

      Some steps of the MMFT Hair Transplant procedure along with the modifications are as below:

      • Strip harvest action- It is a beveled incision on both ends of the strip to take the graft transection rate to nearly 0 %.
      • Incising the strip off the galea in a way to leave a layer of fat on top of the galea. This step means leaving minimal tissue on the grafts.
      • Slivering- Slivering of the strip involves observing it under magnification to ensure less than one Percent hair wastage.
      • Combination with FUE- Harvesting of 300-400 grafts with FUE for the anterior hairline.
      • Presets and the anterior hairline- Micro zig-zagging of all the slits.
      • Graft preparation- It ensures a bare minimum of fat at the level of the roots.
      • Graft placement- Thin involves handling the grafts with the hair end and not the root end where this allows easy preservation of the roots, since roots are not touched at any step of the process.

      For a hair transplant procedure to be truly successful, it must fulfill two criteria at the same time, namely, density and coverage. One without the other is effectively meaningless. Invariably, in cases with extensive baldness, any of the two techniques mentioned, Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) can be used. When used singularly prove to be insufficient on either one of the two or both the factors mentioned above. In such cases, the individual has to unwillingly stage their procedure over two or more sessions where not only does this delay their result, but they have to go through the rigors of the procedure twice or thrice over. Also, individuals traveling from overseas find it much too inconvenient to go for a staged procedure because of the heavy travel costs involved, in addition to schedule disruptions amongst other things.

      In light of these limitations faced by various individuals, Dr. Amit Gupta took it upon himself to find out whether there was an alternative to staging this very procedure. After almost a year-long study spread over approximately 1,000 hair transplant procedures, he has collated and assimilated the data as well as improvised and fine-tuned the different steps of the standard hair transplant procedure. Dr. Amit Gupta, an eloquent surgeon, came up with the Micro Refined Micro Follicular Transplant Surgery (MMFT) technique.

      Rome wasn’t built in a day. Well, neither was MMFT. It took Dr. Amit Gupta almost a year to conduct the study and make the changes along the way and get a stamp of approval from a competent institution. Dr. Amit Gupta made a submission to the Plastic Surgery Society with his findings and suggestions which were vetted and approved, before being printed in the Annals of Plastic Surgery as the new standard of hair transplant, especially in the context of “mega-sessions”.

      The MMFT technique borrows the best aspects of the two prevalent and predominantly used techniques, which are FUT and FUE. While using both techniques together, the idea is to eliminate, if possible, or certainly minimize the demerits associated with each individual technique.

      The reliance for yield is placed on the FUT technique; whereas, with FUE, the attempt is to get as many finer grafts as possible, which are then placed in the anterior hairline. The finer nature of the grafts allows for a maximal graft placement in a single line and thereby adding to the density of an individual’s hair distribution.

      Moreover, this way we reduce graft wastage and ensure higher graft survival, elicit a higher number of grafts, and ensure better results as well as improved patient comfort.

      Usually, among many individuals, it may take up to 10 months for the full results (mature hair) to be visible. With a staged procedure, a full result then takes about two years’ time. With the MMFT technique, they have the option of cutting this waiting period in half and effectively go for maximum coverage in one go. We have successfully completed transplant procedures for up to 10,000 follicles with great success. The yield is directly dependent on an individual’s donor area and health as well as the intrinsic qualities of hair.

      Advantages of MMFT

      Some of the advantages include:

      • Maximal coverage and denser anterior line.
      • Minimization of wastage or transaction rate.
      • Elimination of staging the procedure.
      • Shorter turnaround time for a full result.
      • Greater comfort and shortened recovery.
      • Potential for future sessions not disturbed.

      Finding an End to Baldness Through Surgery

      Among all the plastic surgeries for men, hair restoration has become a trending technique. The reason that this technique has become so renowned is that this method negates the disadvantages of the conventional use of punch grafts. The use of punch grafts has resulted in an appearance analogous to corn in a field. Such an impression has invited the dissatisfaction of a considerable amount of people. Several efforts were made around the world with the objective to correct the disadvantages. In 1986, Dr.Carlos Uebel of Grande does Sul of Brazil succeeded in rectifying these disadvantages by the use of micro and mini graft ‘mega sessions’. It is now considered a safe procedure which, allied to a natural hairline, is a much-valued option for surgeons and patients. More the precision the surgery, the more the natural appearance is achieved. The level of achievement that Dr. Gupta has attained in this context is quite noteworthy. These valued services are provided in various parts of the country. Phrases like ‘Hair transplant India,’ hair transplant Noida’, ‘hair cosmetic surgery India’, ‘hair cosmetic surgery India’ have indeed become a catchphrase in the field of hair restoration surgery.

      What exactly is Baldness?

      Baldness is the loss of hair from the head. Among men, this condition can have its onset from a younger age (about 16 years). Conventionally, baldness is believed to be caused due to some main factors- age, hereditary factors, and the effect of androgenic hormone. Adding to this, changes in lifestyle have also contributed to this condition. Examples of such conditions are stress in the forms of smoking, late-night jobs, long hours of work, and irregular sleep cycles. These conditions have not only increased baldness in men, but also in women. Therefore, hair transplant techniques can also be beneficial to them. The rate of hair fall in women is more during menopause. Although this is the normal case, baldness arising from androgenetic factors and early-stage baldness are also seen.

      An Insight into Micro follicular Hair Transplant Technique

      This procedure begins with the removal of a portion of skin bearing the hair. It is usually taken from the back of the head and this area is resistant to the male hormones that cause baldness. Under magnification, the strip is then being divided into single follicles. A microsurgical blade is used to make the slits while using micro forceps and insertion of the follicular units. Almost 6,000 units may be essential for a complete hair transplant where both these processes are performed side-by-side. The entire process takes almost 4 to 6 hours to complete. It is preferable to have a second transplant after approximately 6 to 8 months.

      Hair growth and plant growth are analogous. It is required to have a suitable spacing between the grafts for having more vitality. In the frontal hairline, we insert only single hair irregularly and the sessions have to be repeated so as to have a greater density.

      Local anesthesia is commonly administered for this procedure. Along with it, there are certain fast-acting agents that are also mixed and these agents facilitate a comfortable surgery even if the patient is awake. Some agents also actively participate in the planning of the hairline where the success of the surgery performed by us is very precise such that the patients can themselves drive back to their homes.

      Design of the Hairline

      It is important to project the definitive frontal hairline, especially in your youth. The frontal hairline is projected in an irregular manner, maintaining temporal recesses. A non-straight line is important to have a more natural and non-detectable result. Usually, the forehead’s middle point is 8 cm distant from the root of the nose, varying from 7 to 9 cms depending on the facial structure.

      Post-operative Course

      It is normal to experience some hair fall during the initial weeks and after this period, the hair shall grow from the hair root and can be seen visually by 3 months. This process continues as long as the normal hair grows at the rate of almost 1 cm a month, where some crusting will occur around the grafts. These must not be scratched as the grafts may be pulled out and these crusts will quickly dissolve once hair wetting starts. A slightly pink appearance is seen in the grafted region of the scalp and a discoloration shall fade away over a period of time. To have appreciable hair growth, it takes about 9 to 10 months for women and 6 to 7 months for men.


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